We got a new cat friend! For some reason I began obsessing about getting a cat a week or so ago and just couldn't let the idea go. So I began browsing on craigslist and at the shelters to see if any specific cat sparked something in me. I came across a cat on c.l. that needed a new home, emailed the owner, etc. and after finding out that the cat was great with this family's 1 and 4 year old I took the kiddos and my mom to go meet her. Right away I knew I wanted this cat! Lola.
Lola. Lola. Lola.
Her old owner said she's more like a yellow lab and after a few days of having her here I couldn't agree more! She's only seven months old, but surprisingly easy-going. She is AMAZING with the children. Evelyn has never been around a cat before. I suppose she's met one here and there for five minutes, but that's all. So she's trying to learn all the "cat rules" and somehow during that intense process Lola doesn't mind a thing. Lola is fine and dandy with being carried around the house, wrapped in blankets, sitting mellowly by as I vacuum the carpet only inches from her, sitting on the narrow edge of the tub during a splashy kid's bath time, randomly being grabbed by the ear by Ivy....this cat is great. Not only is the cat putting up with the wild McKenzie clan, she actually follows Evelyn around the house all day and cuddles up next to her to sleep. We're loving her and I feel she's a total God-send. Now that she's here and I'm watching my kids try to learn how to properly treat a cat, I realize Lola is probably the only cat on Earth who would put up with such a task. We Love Lola!
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